Meet Blair MacAuley - Foundation Apprentice

"I have had some cool experiences here, especially going out on the tour of the harbour."
What led you to apply for an internship at Port of Aberdeen?
I got the foundation apprenticeship at Port of Aberdeen through my business skills class at school where all my classmates were put to different businesses to learn skills and, luckily, I was chosen to come to Port of Aberdeen by the school and my class teacher.
What skills or experiences do you hope to gain from this internship?
From the foundation apprenticeship I have already learned some interesting things about the port and how it is run. I learned how the ships come in and out and how busy the port is. I have had some cool experiences here, especially going out on the tour of the harbour with Gary. Some of the skills I hope to learn would be to do with the working with other people you wouldn’t normally work with.
What do you hope to contribute to Port of Aberdeen during your internship?
I hope to educate people on what I am doing here and let people know and understand about what a foundation apprenticeship is and what is involved in the apprenticeship. I also hope to contribute to the HR team by completing the different documents I get set to complete like my recently finished Sage Managers Guide.
Where do you see yourself in your career five years from now?
I hope to be in a good job with a good working in environment that I enjoy and can learn new things from. I am into many sorts of things like business and sports, however if I can find a interesting job I would be open for anything. Hopefully, I can find that.