Port of Aberdeen Annual Review 2024

Port of Aberdeen's 2024 Annual Review looks at the port's highlights and key achievements from 2023.
As part of our commitment to engagement and transparency for our stakeholders, you will notice a greater breadth and depth of reporting as you read this year's Annual Review. This enhanced disclosure is fundamental to our role as a responsible Trust Port, and is a step towards developing full environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting in 2025.
Our 2024 Annual Review also includes valuable information for our stakeholders, such as:
- A statement from our Chair, Roy Buchan, which outlines the port’s performance and activities for 2023, and future direction.
- A statement from our CEO, Bob Sanguinetti, which details the port's strategy and operations.
- Our 2023 financial results, including our 2023 year in review.
- Our strategic framework, which guides how the port operates today and how it will serve customers in the future.
- Our governance and risk management frameworks, which ensures the port operates in a responsible, lawful, and ethical manner.
- Our 2023 ESG data and emissions analysis.
“Reflecting on my first year as Chair, I am filled with pride for our collective achievements and I am optimistic about the future.”