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Port of Aberdeen has firmly established itself as leading maritime hub for collaboration and innovation. The projects and learnings from the port will help accelerate work in this area across the UK.

Clean Maritime Initiatives

Port of Aberdeen is at the forefront of pioneering clean maritime initiatives within the maritime sector aimed at reducing emissions and advancing sustainability. 

Notably, we were the only UK port to feature in three of the 10 projects backed by the Department for Transport’s Zero Emissions Vessels & Infrastructure (ZEVI) competition.

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“Decarbonising shipping is crucial to our plans of creating more sustainable jobs and a cleaner environment. Port of Aberdeen's ‘Shore Power in Operation’ demonstrator project marks a significant step forward in achieving this, putting the UK at the forefront of sustainable port technology and anchoring its position as a global leader in tackling climate change.”

Mike Kane MP
Mike Kane
Maritime Minister

Ongoing Projects

Offshore eCharger project

Duration: Q4 2024 - ongoing

Type: Demonstrator

Partners: Stillstrom by Maersk (Lead) and Port of Aberdeen.

Overview: The team at the port worked in partnership with Stillstrom to complete three charging cycles between the quayside and the Maersk Lifter, a multi-purpose anchor handling tug supply vessel.

The efficient and successful trial marks a significant milestone for Stillstrom as they work towards decarbonising maritime operations, advancing offshore charging solutions for SOVs (Service Operation Vessels) operating in wind farms, and transforming innovative concepts into sustainable solutions.

Find out more here
Stillstrom Trial

Shore Power in Operation

Duration: Q3 2024 - Q1 2025

Type: Demonstrator

Partners: Port of Aberdeen (Lead), Connected Places Catapult, Tidewater Marine UK Ltd, OSM Offshore and The University of Manchester’s Tyndall Centre, with support from Energy Systems Catapult and Buro Happold.

Overview: ZEVI partnership working to design and deliver the first large-scale landside and vessel-side shore power system in Scotland. The demonstrator project, located at Albert Quay and Mearns Quay in the port's North Harbour, will cut vessel emissions at the berths by more than 80% compared with burning marine fuel and save in excess of 60,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent over the next 20 years.

As with all ZEVI funded projects, there will be a three-year unfunded demonstration phase.

Find out more here
Po A Shore Power in Operation 1

Smart port

Duration: Q3 2024 - ongoing

Type: Demonstrator

Partners: Port of Aberdeen (Lead), and North.

Overview: Port of Aberdeen is set to become the smartest port in the UK with a significant £1 million investment in new technology to improve the safety, connectivity, and sustainability of the port. The project includes the upgrade and expansion of the port’s CCTV and security systems and the deployment of a private 5G, public Wi-Fi and IoT networks to support a range of solutions to improve operations and customer experience.

Find out more here
Port of Abereen North Harbour

Bibby Marine eSOV

Duration: Q3 2023 - Q1 2025

Type: Demonstrator

Partners: Bibby Marine (Lead), Kongsberg Maritime, Shell, DNV GL, Liverpool John Moores University, Port of Aberdeen and Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult.

Overview: ZEVI partnership to build the first electric SOV (eSOV) in the UK. Port of Aberdeen is installing shore power facilities within the port's North Harbour for the 90m electric vessel. The shore power installation will be operational by end of Q1 2025.

As with all ZEVI funded projects, there will be a three-year unfunded demonstration phase.

Find out more here
Bibby Marine

Serco NorthLink passenger ferries

Duration: Q3 2023 - Q1 2025

Type: Demonstrator

Partners: Serco NorthLink, Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited, with support from Port of Aberdeen.

Overview: Port of Aberdeen is installing shore power facilities for Serco NorthLink’s MV Hrossey and MV Hjaltland passenger ferries at Jamieson's Quay within the port’s North Harbour. The ferries will ‘plug-in’ to a clean electrical power source, through the port’s renewable energy tariff, while berthed in Aberdeen from Q1 2025. The new infrastructure will mitigate 1,300 tonnes of CO2, the equivalent of almost 24 tankers of marine gas oil. 

Find out more here
Ferry card


Duration: Q2 2023 - Q1 2025

Type: Demonstrator

Partners: ACUA Ocean (Lead), Unitrove, Port of Aberdeen, the University of Southampton, Zero Emissions Maritime Technology, Composite Manufacturing and Design, Trident Marine Electrical, and NASH Maritime.

Overview: The project will demonstrate the technical, operational, and commercial viability of shoreside renewable energy generation at ports to supply vessels. The Hydrogen Innovation – Future Infrastructure & Vessel Evaluation and Demonstration (HI-FIVED) consortium will build and showcase an innovative autonomous vessel and bunkering infrastructure technologies for liquid hydrogen. The project is part of the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition Round 3 (CMDC3), funded by the Department for Transport and delivered in partnership with Innovate UK. 

Find out more here
ACUA Ocean H USV Build

Completed Projects


Type: Feasibility

Partners: Port of Aberdeen (Lead) and Subsea7, with support from Zodus.

Overview: Project investigated the feasibility of storing hydrogen underwater at South Harbour. The 'H2Shore - Hydrogen coastal storage and distribution' project conducted thorough engineering analyses to determine the most effective technological approach and identified an appropriate offshore location. Additionally, the project developed an outline business case.

Find out more here
Port of Aberdeen 1

Offshore renewable green anchorage zone

Type: Feasibility

Partners: Stillstrom by Maersk (Lead) and Port of Aberdeen.

Overview: Project to conduct a joint feasibility study into an innovative offshore renewable charging hub to create a Green Anchorage Zone outside Aberdeen. The ocean cleantech concept will provide a platform for vessels to utilise electricity from either offshore wind or grid energy, thereby eliminating the need for vessels to consume fossil fuels while idling. The product will also allow for the charging of battery packs on applicable vessels. 

Find out more here
Stillstrom offshore charging resized

ZOEX Power Wave Energy Converter System

Type: Demonstrator

Partners: ZOEX (Lead) and Sealand, with support from Port of Aberdeen.

Overview: Sealand Projects' active fender wave energy concept, ZOEX Power, is an innovative clean energy system for attaching to marine platforms, vessels, and other marine structures. The first 100kW ZOEX Power prototype was wet-tested at Port of Aberdeen's South Harbour in June 2024. 

Find out more here

Port Zero

Type: Feasibility

Partners: Port of Aberdeen (Lead), Connected Places Catapult, OSM Offshore and The University of Manchester’s Tyndall Centre, with support from Energy Systems Catapult and Buro Happold.

Overview: The project analysed future port power demands, assessed low carbon energy sources for equipment (e.g. cranes, tugs, pilot boats) and quayside infrastructure, and developed a roadmap to decarbonise port operations at the port's South Harbour. The ‘Port Zero’ feasibility study was part of the Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition Round 2 (CMDC2). 

Find out more here
South Harbour

Green Shipping Corridors

Type: Feasibility

Partners: Acua Ocean (Lead), Port of Aberdeen, Lloyd's Register and the MCA.

Overview: The shipping study developed a detailed project plan for the world's first hydrogen-powered zero-emission crossing demonstration from Port of Aberdeen to Norway, which is an economically important potential green shipping corridor route. The zero-emission small-waterplane-area twin hull (SWATH) vessel, powered by liquid hydrogen is capable of ocean transits and transportation of a 4.5 tonne payload. 

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Type: Demonstrator

Partners: Port of Aberdeen (Lead), Recycl8, with support from Inverurie Precast and Breedon Group.

Overview: The project involved the manufacture of concrete blocks for the port's North Harbour South Breakwater defences in addition to carrying out essential slipway repairs across the port's North Harbour.

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Shore Power Feasibility

Type: Feasibility

Partners: Port of Aberdeen (Lead) and Connected Places Catapult.

Overview: The project undertook a feasibility study for a next-phase demonstration project for a green shore power scheme in the port's North Harbour. Key outputs included an Outline Business Case for the scheme and plans for the demonstration project. The project built on a completed study commissioned by Port of Aberdeen which produced an initial system design for shore power within North Harbour and completed initial emissions and business modelling. This demonstrated substantial reductions in green house gas emissions and a viable business model.

Find out more here
North Harbour 5

“Innovation is at the heart of everything we do at Port of Aberdeen. From pioneering clean energy solutions like Scotland’s largest commercial shore power system to embracing cutting-edge technology in maritime operations, we are committed to driving progress for our industry, our customers and the environment.”

Holly Allan Innovation Project Manager Square
Holly Allan
Innovation Project Manager, Port of Aberdeen

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