A new Notice to Mariners and updated Notice to Mariners Index are now available. Please review them here.

RGU Physiotherapy RGU Physiotherapy


As a Trust Port, our purpose is to create prosperity for generations and the local community is one of our key stakeholders.

Central to this commitment is our supPORT-all community action proramme. We partner with local charities and community group to provide project funding, as well as support with time, resources, or equipment, to help those most in need.  

About supPORT-all

Since 2014, Port of Aberdeen’s supPORT-all programme has awarded £800,000, benefitting more than 210 local initiatives and supporting over 200,000 children and adults across Aberdeen.

This includes partnerships with a wide range of organisations including Big Noise Torry, CFINE, Cultivate Aberdeen, Denis Law Legacy Trust, Fittie Community Development Trust, Greyhope Bay, Inchgarth Community Centre, Sue Ryder and more.

supPORT-all is open to all charities and community groups with projects local to the port.

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Apply Now for supPORT-all 2025 Funding

We’re now accepting applications for supPORT-all 2025 

Application Deadline: 26 March 2025, 5:00pm

Notification of Outcome: By the end of April

🔗 Apply Now

For full details on eligibility, funding criteria, and the application process, download our information pack.

Download the 2025 supPORT-all Information Pack
Thumbnail Exercise class seated posture

2024 supPORT-all partners 

In 2024, Port of Aberdeen is partnering with nine local charities and community groups through supPORT-all.

  • RGU logo 2

    Robert Gordon University

    £5,000 to deliver physiotherapy student-led exercise classes and a new popup health clinic in Torry.

  • Big Noise Torry logo 1

    Big Noise Torry (Sistema Scotland)

    £5,000 to transport secondary school participants to Greyhope Community Hub.



    £3,325 to purchase of 50 clothing packs for children of primary school age.

  • Greyhope Bay logo

    Greyhope Bay

    £2,700 to deliver volunteer training and the provision of project specific equipment.

  • Russell Anderson logo

    Russell Anderson Foundation

    £2,550 to deliver cooking courses for parents and the purchase of kitchen equipment and food.

  • Lochside Academy

    Lochside Academy

    £2,000 to deliver breakfast clubs, Autism Provisions, and materials for the Nurture Room.

  • Charlie House

    Charlie House

    £1,825 to deliver interactive family sound play activities.

  • Nether Loirston Growers Association

    Nether Loirston Growers Association

    £1,800 for a new gate and raised beds for wheelchair users and less able growers.

  • NESS logo

    Grampian Society for the Blind, operating as North East Sensory Services (NESS)

    £800 for sensory toys and equipment for their YPSS Aberdeen baby and toddler group.

“The essential and basic necessities we gift provide comfort and empowerment to children in need, supporting their growth, education, development, and overall wellbeing. Port of Aberdeen's funding will make a real difference, enabling us to help 50 primary school aged children in Torry, Kincorth, Garthdee and surrounding areas.”

Michelle Herd
Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer, AberNecessities

supPORT-all in action: Big Noise Torry

Since its launch in 2015, Big Noise Torry has worked with over 750 children and young people from the Torry community, using an orchestral setting to teach life skills and experiences.

Funding from Port of Aberdeen will allowed Big Noise Torry to expand the programme to a full symphony orchestra model through the introduction of wind and brass instruments to pupils. The new trumpets, flutes and clarinets will ensure as many young people as possible are benefitting from Big Noise Torry.

Port of Aberdeen also support the management and coordination of school concerts by providing volunteers from its communications department. 


supPORT-ing Denis Law Legacy Trust

The Denis Law Legacy Trust supports and empowers young people to be confident, capable, independent and responsible citizens. Their flagship Streetsport programme delivered free sports and creative sessions for young people, five nights a week, 50-weeks a year. 

Funding from the Port of Aberdeen allowed the trust to buy new sports kits for young people living in Torry. The new kit, chosen by programme participants, is used week-in, week-out. It has been key in bringing young people into a positive environment which in turn, has helped to reduce antisocial behaviour and nuisance phone calls to the local police and fire services. 

We were also able to offer the support of our communications department who stepped in to help with advertising and recruiting more volunteers to help run the sessions. 

Contact us

Get in touch if you’d like to discuss potential opportunities for your local charity or community group to partner with Port of Aberdeen.